The Alarmist
The Alarmist Issue Five
Published by The Alarmist, London 2015. The fifth issue of The Alarmist features stories about posh drunk men, relationship breakdowns involving toothbrushes and Halloween, and undercover police, alongside the usual striking visual art and idiosyncratic design work. Art, illustration, poetry, short-stories, essays and musings from Abbigail Baldys, Anne Malewski, Carly Yansak, Damien Miles-Paulson, David Bryant, Deirdre Daly, Dragan Djurdjevic, Fran Lock, Frederick Pollack, Glen Brown, Henri Pearson, James Dufficy, Jessica K. Hylton, Jim Davis, Landa Wo, Lewis Medolla, Lindsey Schulz, Matt Gondek, Mateusz Twardoch, Matt Harris, Mitch Grabois, Noel Sloboda, Oliver Zarandi, Olivia Whitworth, Patricio Pumarino, Pete Langley, Rae Gellel, Rebecca Hendin, Sophie Boyce, Tomek Dzido, Trevor Shikaze, Zoe Roschach, Zeus Ricochet. |